Tuesday, May 28, 2013


In early April, Nancee came up to Idaho with her two girls while Troy was off working in New York for Baby Banana Brush and in Vermont to visit his brother and attend an App Development conference. It was lots of fun having Sadie and Erica visit. They came to my apartment and played with Freckles a few times, we ate good food and desserts, watched movies, and we even did an easter egg hunt with treasure baskets hidden at the end! Nancee, the girls and I also got our nails painted and we took them to the Carousel Museum in Idaho Falls one afternoon. Sadie was a little bit scared of the quick-moving carousel, and Erica told her, "Don't worry Sadie. I'll be right here so you won't fall off." What an awesome big sister! Thanks for visiting us girls, come again soon.
The girls got these adorable bunny ears in their Easter baskets!
Mommy liked the bunny ears too, apparently.

Matching church dresses for Easter sunday. I love Sadie's expression in this one.
Visiting Grandma Tutu & Aunt Natalee's office... and getting yummy dum-dums!
Being a true Phillips.
Ice cream!
This elephant seat was from a carousel over 100 years old!
This carousel went surprisingly fast.

Erica and Nat got sparkly blue matching toe-nails. You could tell Erica's an old pro at this stuff now. She was totally relaxed and chilling the whole time. She even got into the Vietnamese soap opera that was playing in the background.
Sadie was a little less comfortable with the whole process... but she did love her hot pink nails at the end of it. I think she was most put-off by the bad acting in that Vietnamese soap opera. I can't blame her.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Marissa & Mallory's Weekend in Idaho

In March, Marissa and Mallory came up to Idaho to spend part of their Spring Break with Tutus and Aunt Natalee. They earned some money doing jobs at the museum, and then they got to pick out something at Fred Meyer with the money they earned. We took them to go see the new "Oz" movie, which they loved. I didn't love the 3D... I'm getting too old and it makes me sick now. After that we went to the Pizza Pie Café for all-you-can-eat pizza. Yum!
We also took the girls to get their fingernails painted, and they got to get their hair done at our local salon, and they got to play arcade games at outer limits! It was a very busy but a very fun weekend. Marissa and Mallory always say they love Idaho, and we want them to know they are welcome anytime!