Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome Austin!

We have a new family member! Heather gave birth to Austin ? Phillips on Tuesday, September 6. He was 19 inches long and 8 pounds 12 ounces. He had a little breathing trouble and low blood sugar, so they took him into NICU. He has been getting stronger each day though. Ryan and Heather are hoping to have him at home by Saturday. Enjoy the pictures!!
We love him already!
Heather looks amazing!!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Congrats Ry and Heath. Glad to hear he is getting stronger each day. Wow Heather, I am amazed every time a woman goes through labor. You are amazing!!!

Reed said...

It is even more amazing to hold him in real life. He is a very handsome boy and thanks Austin for making the count even again.


J.J. Phillips said...

Nolan is very excited to no longer be the youngest grandchild and to have a boy cousin very close in age. Congratulations guys!