Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Basement Progress

After we got all the drywall in (see last post), the next step is getting it all cut to the proper size, nailing it all up, and then mudding and taping. I am not the right person to be reporting on any of this, I know as much about construction as I do about calculus (zero for both). I'll let the pictures do the talking for me...
 Main Room, mid-construction
 The big guest bedroom downstairs, with insulation blown in
 Look at all the screws (or maybe they are nails??). Dad said the workers have to put "mud" over every single nail to make the walls look smooth when the paint goes on. They definitely have their work cut out for them.
 Kitchen--this is where the oven will be I think
 Storage room under the stairs. Sorry to the grandkids--building the "slide" was too complicated, expensive and unsafe, so we had to bag it.
 Main Room. Dad has been working very hard to move all of our fetch out of the way of the construction, and he has to move things back and forth from one room to another depending upon where the work is going on. He has also been moving crap out of the garage so it could be painted, and he will have to move everything out of the shop back into the garage next week so they can drywall and paint the shop. SO MUCH WORK!! Did I mention he's been doing this in his spare time while simultaneously writing a massive historical book that needs to be finished by December??
 Bathroom #2
Big Guest Bedroom

More updates to come. Wait until you see the crazy color Mom & Dad chose for the garage!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Wow. I don't even recognize it. So glad there will be more bathrooms. Dad had a whole bachelor pad set up down there. I guess he had to re-arrange all that. Can't wait to see more progress.

sandra said...

Great blog post Nat. I even learned someing as I had no idea we weren't doing a slide from upper stairs into the basement. Grandkids will need to be satisfied with the playroom I guess. Did anyone mention all the DUST that is everywhere. It reminds me of the chalk tray of a giant blackboard! Major allergies.

Rick and Eden said...

Great post! It's come a long way. We are excited to see the finished product but it's also fun to see all the different steps that go into it. When do we find out about this mysterious garage color??