Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Heather and Mary!

March 15th is a special day in the Phillips Family because not one but TWO Phillips women share this birthday! Happy birthday to Mary and Heather! We love you both. There must be something about March birthdays, because both Mary and Heather are very strong, brave, assertive, confident, talented and of course beautiful! See the following photos for proof of that last statement.
...is a "ham". She likes to be the center of attention and performing.
...She also loves to play outside, even if it means being cold or getting dirty.
Mary loves to read books, even if she's heard the story lots of times before. If thats the case, she'll help you flip past the boring parts and get to the good stuff.
...loves her brothers. Even since she was small she has always been a great little sister!
...and a GREAT big sister! Baby Lea loves to play with Mary.
Mary is also a great helper for Mommy with cooking, washing dishes and projects.
You'd think with all these people to love that Mary might run out... but she still has enough left over for Daddy too!

Since she joined our family over 10 years ago, I have had the opportunity to really get to know Heather by living with her. Some of my favorite things about Heather are...
that she is so easy to talk to. No matter what craziness she is dealing with from school, work or the kids, she always makes time to talk. She likes to talk about light stuff like celebrities or intense stuff like conspiracy theories and politics. No matter what you're in the mood for, Heather is ready! Not only is she a great talker, but she's a great listener too. I always look forward to my talks with her for this reason. She makes it easy to talk!
I also like that Heather "keeps it real". She has a good sense of humor and doesn't seem to take things too seriously. She is very down-to-earth and that makes her fun to be around too.
Heather is a dang hard worker. I've only recently learned that not only does she do a ton of things like FDA registrations, testing, and being the dental authority during our grueling trade shows for Baby Banana Brush (the flexible silicone toothbrush that she invented), but she also works for her Dad's company, does real-estate, and has ambitions to start her very own company too! I'm impressed by how much she has already accomplished, and I'm excited to see where she goes from here.
Heather has a beautiful voice, and she has always been skilled at playing the piano. She has recently been taking guitar lessons from Ryan, and they performed this duet for us at Christmastime.
And, last but not least, Heather is an excellent Mom. She is extremely patient with her kids, and she handles everything that the kids need like a pro. She makes even the most difficult situations seem easy, and I'm impressed with how she is able to do it all. We know that #4 will be a lucky baby to be joining this family.
We love both of you! Happy birthday Mary and happy birthday Heather!

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Hey Snaggerly, Thanks for putting all these posts up. It helps me remember birthdays and it's fun to read about everyone.