Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Nancee!

Happy birthday to my big (little) sister! Growing up, people always thought I was older than Nancee because I was so much bigger than her. Nancee has always been petite, which is a blessing and a curse. She actually skipped the fourth grade, which meant not only was she small, but she was also a year younger than most of her classmates growing up. What she lacked in size, she more than made up for in smarts though. When she was offered the kids menu at restaurants even though she was in high school, her small size was annoying to her. However, I think having to always stand up for herself and prove herself has made her a very confident and assertive woman today. Don't let her size fool you--Nancee can take care of herself!
Nancee has blossomed into her role as a Mom, taking great care of Erica and Sadie while still maintaining her own legal estate-planning business as well as working for live-right. Being a Mom has made Nancee more patient and affectionate, and she has also learned many valuable lessons about Barbies, princesses, dancing, gymnastics, hairstyles, purses, jewelry, make-up and of course, shoes. Erica has the tough job of compensating for all of the "boy stuff" that Nancee's 6 brothers taught her.
One of our favorite childhood stories of Nancee is that she hated dolls, likely due to the influence of her brothers. When she would receive a doll as a present, Nancee would try to flush it down the toilet. Hahah. We can't imagine Erica doing something like that now.
Nancee used to joke that she wasn't any good at cooking, but every time we talk to her she has tried something new and delicious. Nancee's favorite things to make are desserts, of course. She loves all things chocolate. Every year for Christmas we buy Nancee chocolate orange sticks. Last year for her birthday we tried to send Tuscon, 117 degree heat. We packaged the chocolate inside a cooler with freeze-packed ice and insulation. It still arrived melted. Sorry Nance, we probably wont' be sending chocolate to you again.
Nancee and Troy have been married for 8 years. They enjoy spending time together doing active things like playing tennis, snowboarding, boating and wakeboarding. Nancee and Troy have made it a priority to spend one night a week out on a date by themselves without the kids. We are very impressed that they make time to do that.
Nancee and I are 6 years apart, but as we have gotten older the difference in our ages feels like less and less. We never fought over sharing clothes or boys or any of the regular sister stuff, but we had our tough times...
When I was 3 and she was 9 we had to share a bed. I used to kick her, steal the covers, toss and turn, and maybe I even wet the bed a few times (I claim ignorance on this one). She vowed never to share a bed with me again.
When I was 10 and she was 15, we shared a room and she was in charge of "supervising" me as I cleaned up my side of the room. Nancee was naturally more clean and organized and I loved my stuff--especially spread out where I could see it. This process turned into an ordeal, to say the least. I vowed never to let her "help" me clean again.
Despite these (now sweet) memories, Nancee and I share a bond because we were the only girls in a household of boys. We are each others only sister, a lone ally in unfamiliar territory. (Of course now we have the sister-in-laws, whom we are most grateful for).
Nancee taught me how to read and write (although she doesn't remember). I always wanted to hang out with Nancee and her cool older friends. Sometimes she would let me too, which was very nice of her. I have always admired Nancee's self-assuredness, decisiveness, intelligence and courage.

We love you Nance-Prance, Fancy-Pants, Doll! Hope you have a fabulous 21st birthday!!
(Hey, if people think you are younger than you are anyways, why not go with it, right??)


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Thanks Nat. That was really sweet. Were you trying to make me cry? You almost succeeded. I wish I looked 21. I have been growing more gray hair to help. Please still send chocolate. It's just as good melted.

Annie said...

That was such a nice post! Happy birthday to Nancee! I wish people thought I was 21--I'm still a teenager in most people's eyes :)

Dangcutekids said...

What a sweet post Nat. Spencer says he wants one like that on his birthday, too :) Happy Birthday Nancee!