Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Knox!!

Knox turned 7 on August 1st. We can't believe he is already 7 years old! It seems like just yesterday that Knox was a little...okay, not so little...but a snuggly little baby with a raspy cry. Knox's raspy voice is so unique and so cute--we just love it!

It was fun to be able to hang out with Knox last week, he is a fun-loving kid and he idolizes his older brothers. He's in a tough spot because he has two older brothers and two younger sisters--the ultimate middle child. But, he handles his position well, he's a wonderful brother!
He's the life of the party--all the kids at his school can't wait for Knox to show up--especially the girls. :) He's got a great sense of humor too!
Knox and I have always had fun together--he always hangs around when I'm reading to the little kids so he can hear me read too. I love that! We get along really well.
We love you Knox and we hope you had a wonderful birthday, and that you have an awesome year!


Reed said...

Happy Birthday Knox and thanks for coming to Grandpa Tutu's for a week. We had a great time.

Dangcutekids said...

Thanks Aunt Naterlee. It was so much fun playing and doing stuff with you guys. You sure are a great Aunt. I love that four wheeler. Please tell Tutus thanks for the cool game and card I got in the mail. We had fun playing it together on my birthday. Love you, Knox