Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Sam!

Happy 10th birthday Sam-O! Its hard to believe Sam is already in double-digits. We had the opportunity to spend some quality time with him a few weeks ago when Spencer and his family visited us.

Sam has always been exceptionally intelligent. His favorite subject is science. In fact, while he and I made divinity together while he was at our house, he told me that 2 of his favorite things are science and cooking. I thought that made pretty good sense because cooking is really just science in action. Did I mention that Sam pretty much did everything for the divinity and I just stirred it? He's an awesome helper.
Sam is also super talented. He has always been very athletically able, and he easily takes to all sports. He's especially good at soccer and snowboarding. Here he is finishing a 5K race in Pocatello.
Sam is learning to play the French Horn and he's doing really good. He is a super older brother and treats his little sisters very sweetly.
Sam is also very mature. He patiently waits for his turn, he has no problem sharing, and he understands when the answer sometimes has to be "No". I have been very impressed with how much Sam has grown up and I'm so excited to see what he does with his potential in the future.
We love you so much Sam!


Reed said...

Come back again Sam...That sounds like "play it again Sam." Do both.


Dangcutekids said...

Thanks Nat!! What a sweet post about a very cool kid. We're so proud of him, and so excited that he's ten. Thanks for the awesome gift. He opened it this morning and was thrilled, it's exactly what he's into right now. He is going to blow up some soap in the microwave this afternoon, can't wait!! We love and miss you!