Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas (Part III)

The day after Christmas, Annie's parents drove her, Roo and Esmé up to Idaho. We had a nice lunch with them in our newly finished basement, and then it was time for a third present opening session. 
Esmé has the whole "present opening" thing down. 

We had lots of yummy pies for dessert. Banana Cream, Pumpkin, Mince Meat (ew), Apple, Homemade Cheesecake, and a most delicious Pecan Pie that Jennifer made from scratch. Delish! 
Esmé was instant friends with Mallory. She went right over to her and sat on her lap. It was so cute. 
 The following day, we all went out for a breakfast/lunch at Elmers, our local diner. It was pretty wild but we still had a fun time eating and visiting.
 Party of 13 or something...

Esmé is a real busy body. It was hard to get her to hold still long enough for a picture. 

That is, unless she gets to look at herself while the picture is being taken. Then she was all about it. She knows how to scroll through the iphone images too. I wore my leopard scarf to match her cute outfit. 
 The following night we went to dinner at Perkins, after trying to go to another restaurant that was not very baby-friendly. It ended up being okay though because Aunt Jennifer got to play the toy machine and she ended up winning a stuffed snowman for Esmé, and we let Nolan take all the jam and jelly packets out of the holder thing and throw them everywhere, and then we loudly played trivia games. It ended up being a really fun night.
Nolan played with Grandma Tutu
There was only one mistake made that night. See, Annie thought she ordered the BIG salad, and all she got was this  puny thing. 
Nolan's shirt says "judge me by my size do you". He has a nice collection of Star Wars inspired clothing. 
Before rolling around like a mad woman on the couch
and.... after. 

1 comment:

Dangcutekids said...

How can you not be instantly in love with that little Esme. She has so much fun personality. Looks like another Christmas success.