Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Kristin!

Today is Kristin's birthday! Wait... thats not Kristin... its actually Martha Stewart, but its easy to understand why I would make that mistake. Kristin is known to be the "Martha" of our family. She is absolutely gifted when it comes to cooking, baking, and canning. It is a literal "treat" anytime we get to visit with Kristin, because homemade cinnamon rolls, pies and doughnuts are just around the corner. Kristin also does excellent sewing and crafting projects. Mary has been the recipient of many darling outfits that Kristin has made from scratch. Once Kristin tried to teach me how to sew a pair of pajama pants, and she also taught me to knit one year when I visited their family for Christmas. She also enjoys maintaining her impressive garden when the rotten Rochester weather permits...
Even though its no secret that Kristin is truly a domestic diva, she would never call herself that. She is so down to earth and humble about everything. She will be the first one to roll up her sleeves and pitch in when work needs to be done. She is outdoorsy, likes to go on walks with the kids, knows how to fly-fish, and she isn't scared to shoot a gun! I think she would have made an excellent pioneer. 
Kristin is a very talented musician as well. I just love hearing her play the violin, and to watch how intense she gets when she plays is also very cool. She has encouraged musicality within her own family, and now they are at a point where they can have family concerts together. Kristin has had the chance to play professionally and teach lessons as well. Even though she loves playing the violin, she has had to make some difficult choices in the past which required her to take some breaks from playing in order to take care of her family. She still practices often and is keeping her skills up, though. 
Usually I think its unfortunate when a person has to share their birthday with a major holiday, but I think its fitting that Kristin's birthday falls on Valentines Day. I say this because Kristin is seriously one of the most loving people you will ever encounter. She is brimming with love not only for her own family, but for her extended family and her neighbors! Kristin has always been very warm and accepting of me personally. She has a hug and a smile for anyone who needs it, and she is genuinely interested in what the other person has to say. 
These kids are so lucky to have such an awesome Mom like Kristin! 
Kristin lives her life each day lovingly devoted to her family. She is an absolutely wonderful mother to her 5 kids, and a sweet wife to Spencer. They are very loving and affectionate with each other, too. (I had to search to find pictures where they weren't kissing!)

 Kristin, we are inspired by how hard you work and all of the talent that you have. You make people around you feel better because of your warm spirit. You are a wonderful mother and wife. We are so happy that you're a part of our family. We love you!


Dangcutekids said...

HOW SWEET!! I'm so flattered. Thanks for taking the time to write such a kind and thoughtful blog post. You made my day!!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Happy belated birthday. We just got back home yesterday and missed your big day. Hope it was a good one.