Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Roo!

Today is Roo's birthday, and its the big 3-0! Congratulations! 
There are many theories to how Roo got his interesting name, but the one Mom supports is that Roo's name came about while she and Dad were on a trip to Australia. She saw the Mommy Kangaroo's carrying around their babies in their pouches, and she happened to be pregnant with Roo at the time, so she thought "Roo" would be a cute nickname for the baby she had already decided to name Charles, after her great-grandfather C.R. Savage. She thought Charles was a pretty big name for a little baby, and that "Roo" would be cute for a little while. She never thought it would become his lifelong name! We can't imagine calling Roo anything else now. "Charles" just doesn't seem to fit him, and we're glad that the nickname stuck! 

 Last year, we gathered up all of Roo's old baby pictures for a special Christmas present for him. Some of the pictures we found were from birthdays past. Like the one above from his first birthday, and the one below from his second birthday. I love how both Nancee and J.J. are ready to eat their little brother's birthday cake!

Looks like Roo finally figured out how to guard his cake by the time the third birthday came around!

I asked Mom if she had any funny stories to recount about Roo's childhood, and she remembered how much he hated football as a kid. He told her "I'll pay you back if you let me quit". When she asked him why he didn't like it, his response was, "I hate hitting into people and hurting them for no good reason and I hate them hitting into me. Its just dumb."Roo always was on a deeper intellectual level than most kids his age. 
 Roo has always, always loved animals. Especially dogs. The above picture is Roo with Rusty, the dog we got after moving to California. After Rusty, we got Beth, the fluffy Old English Sheepdog who was always considered to be Roo's dog.
 Once Roo got out on his own, he got a Welch Corgie dog named Lando. Not long after getting Lando, the animal rescue contacted Roo and Annie to ask if they would take in another Corgie who had been abused. Their family suddenly grew with the addition of Chase, but Annie and Roo worked very hard at trying to break Chase of some of his bad habits (like peeing and barking).

Once Esme was born, priorities had to change a little bit, and we volunteered to take care of Roo's doggies. He still thinks of them as his family and he misses them a lot. He always wants to know how they are doing, and he even had a camera installed at our house so he can keep an eye on his babies. We want to assure Roo that the doggies are very happy living at our mountain home. They can run anywhere they want, use the bathroom any time they feel like it, and bark as much as they see fit. They love it in Idaho!

Roo is known for his love of Dr. Pepper and Coke. In the past few years he has switched his allegiance to Diet Coke... which threatens my supply when he comes to visit, but I try to be good about sharing with him. Oh yeah, he went to Paris too.... but the coke is the main point of this picture.

Just kidding. Roo and Annie have actually had the opportunity to do LOTS of traveling in their lives. A lot more than most young people. They both love history, museums, sight seeing, and embarking on new adventures.  They traveled to Italy and Romania together before they were even engaged! Roo actually proposed to Annie in Italy, which earns her the award for most romantic proposal in the family. Nicely done, Roo! They did a study abroad program for a semester in England after they were first married. They spent a summer living in San Francisco too. They've been to New York, Washington D.C. and California several times. For the first few months at his new job, Roo had to go to training half way across the world in Abu Dhabi! I'm sure all of their travels have prepared them well for living away from family in Houston.
Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, CA
Pizza Place in New York City, NY
Yosemite, CA

Houston, TX
Niagra Falls, NY

Look at those teeth! Roo has such a big bright smile, Mom called it "a smile as wide as Kansas". He and I went to the same (terrible) orthodontist for several years. Even though he had to wear rubber bands and headgear for a little while, he now has beautiful teeth to show for it! 

Roo has played music in a few bands including "Say it Aint Weezer" and "Mimic". I remember him playing the "Jurassic Park" theme song on the keyboard at our Cloister house over and over. Roo is actually very musical, and one of his favorite things to do is to go listen to people perform music. He has been to several concerts in his 30 years, and his favorite one is John Williams at the Hollywood Bowl. He has been able to attend that concert several times. 
Roo is a very sweet husband to Annie. He is considerate of her needs, especially while she is pregnant, and he does what he can to help her out. They are such a cute couple because they really have similar personalities. They are both very funny and quietly sarcastic. They seem very well suited for each other, and we are so happy that Roo brought Annie into our family.

Roo is a good father to Esmé, too. He tries to be very patient with her as she is currently entering her "terrible twos". We look forward to our chance to Skype with Roo and Esmé most afternoons. Even though he doesn't always say a lot, we know Roo cares very deeply for his family.

Roo, we loved having you visit us over the recent Holiday season. It was fun to watch Lord of the Rings with your expertise, and we are so grateful that you spent your time setting up the Star Wars room. It looks so good now! 

We love you, Roo, and we hope you have a very happy birthday!


Reed said...

Happy Big 30 Roo. Do you realize how old that makes me and your mother?


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

While looking at this blog, Erica asked if Roo was older than Mama Tutu. I think that was meant as a compliment to Roo's maturity. Happy Birthday!!! And, happy birthday to Bob Marley too.

J.J. Phillips said...

Happy Birthday holmes! Welcome to the 30+ club. Feels pretty much the same as the 20s. Hope Annie and Esme gave you a good birthday. I'm guessing a cheeseburger was involved in the Birthday dinner (or maybe a steak or beef brisket since you're all in Texas).