Friday, May 20, 2011

Dad's Travels

Dad sent us some pictures of his adventures in Rio (Brazil) and Durban (South Africa)!
This is the desk Dad works at. The lady in the picture is Charmaine, who Dad works with everyday. They share this office, and sometimes Dad has to borrow her computer when his doesn't work. The struggling technology is one of the things that has been difficult for Dad during his stay in South Africa. He also says that they have a "National Holiday" about every other week, and no one goes to work on these special days. He is surprised that anything is getting done. He says his office and living situation are "adequate", but he says people do not go out at night in the area between his hotel and the school he's working at. He says he enjoys working with the students, and he feels that this trip was necessary for him to really be able to understand the situation at this school. He hopes to be able to assist (long-distance) in the future. Everytime we skype with him, he counts down the days. Today marked 30 days until he returns to Idaho. Mom and I, and all the animals will be glad to have him home safe!
Dad went to a horse jumping show with his students, who were there just in case one of the riders got injured. Dad and I saw Secretariat, and then he got really into reading Seabiscuit and learning about horse culture before he left so this was probably fun for him to see.
Dad has also been able to do interesting stuff like going to a rugby game and eating different foods, as well as serious things like going to the local public hospital. He said it was in very bad condition and there were people there with tuberculosis, AIDS, and other illnesses.

Dad has had a chance to be "Papa Tutu" while he's been in South Africa as well. This little girl is named Jade.
She is Dr. Wilson's daughter. Dad has been marketing the toothbrushes for us in South Africa too, and we may have a potential distributor down there now! Way to go Dad!
Conversations with Lincoln
Eden: Aunt Natalee has to go back to her apartment now. Say bye-bye!
Nat: Do you know who lives at Aunt Natalee's house? (Expecting Lincoln to say Freckles)
Lincoln:.....hmmm.....Papa Tutu??

Before going to South Africa, Dad spent a few days in Brazil, and saw one of the most famous statues in South America.

Then, he got to spend time with one of the most famous Argentinians!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Is that Raul??? That is the best post ever because of that picture.

J.J. Phillips said...

Rattle is looking good.