Monday, May 9, 2011


This past Saturday, Mom and I went to my best friend Barbara's graduation from Idaho State University. Although the ceremony was long, we were happy to be there supporting Barbara. It was cool to watch ISU bestow their first ever honorary doctorate to Jakob Dylan, the lead singer of the Wallflowers. (If you are having early-nineties deja-vu, thats because he was really popular about 2 decades ago. For Idaho, a two decade lag in popular culture is pretty standard.) Dylan gave a questionable speech and then made up for it by wowing the audience with a special acoustic song he wrote just for the occasion. It felt like 1996 all over again!
Congratulations Barb!! :)
While we were looking for a camera to use at graduation, we found one that had been missing for over a year--ironically filled with pictures of not only my graduation last year, but Roo's Masters Degree graduation too! Most of you probably never got to see any of these pictures, so I thought I'd post them now. Let me apologize to Annie in advance for posting pictures of her at 9 months pregnant...
Roo graduated with a Masters Degree in Geophysics (I think) from University of Utah in May 2010, and Annie delivered baby Esme just a few weeks later.

I graduated with a Bachelors in Sociology from Idaho State University, also in May 2010.
We don't anticipate anymore graduations until 2013--when Sierra graduates from high school!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Congrats to Roo, Nat and Barbara. Loving your new hair Nat.

Reed said...

Thanks Nat for doing this. Now that I have my lap top back I will try to post some pictures on our blog. Congratulations to Barbara. What are going to do now Nat since Barbara will no longer need your assistance to write papers.