Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Congratulations to Ryan & Heather! Looks like we will be adding another boy to our family--#18. Its interesting how the balance between boys and girls always ends up "even steven". (Seinfeld reference is for Ryan)

JJ & Jen are within a month of their due date too! Any guesses on when she will have the baby?

Due date: May 11
(but from what we hear, things are progressing well...maybe too well.)
Nat guessed May 5
Mom guessed May 1st

Here's to baby blue, blocks, trucks, dinosaurs, airplanes, animals, dirt and mud, scrapes and bruises, legos, sports, and of course, Star Wars!


Freckles Phillips said...

I told my friend Barb about the guessing game, and the "progress", and she thinks the baby will come by April 26! Yikes!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I predict May 15th, but I will hope for a much earlier date.

Spencer said...

What about surfing on the boy list?? We predict Cinco de Mayo a major holiday at our place. We'd love another reason to celebrate! Good luck J.J. and Jen and Congrats Heather and Ryan! Hurray for boys!!